Conference Sponsors

2025 7th International Conference on Advanced Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICABB 2025) aims to gather professors, researchers, scholars and industrial pioneers all over the world. ICABB is the premier forum for the presentation and exchange of past experiences and new advances and research results in the field of theoretical and industrial experience. The conference welcomes contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between educators and researchers all over the world. We aim to building an idea-trading platform for the purpose of encouraging researcher participating in this event. It is welcomed that if you want to sponsor or establish partenership with the organization of ICABB.

Platinum (USD 3000 and above)

* Company logo on all large banners displayed at the conference venue area
* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Platinum supporter
* One company handout at registration
* Listing in conference program
* Four complimentary registrations for the conference
* Acknowledgement as a Platinum supporter at the conference banquet
* An executive place in the Exhibition Area
* Optional support (for an additional fee) of an event (opening reception, banquet)

Gold (USD 2500)

* Company logo on all large banners displayed at the conference venue area
* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Gold supporter
* One company handout at registration
* Listing in conference program
* Three complimentary registrations for the conference
* Acknowledgement as a Gold supporter at the conference banquet
* An executive place in the Exhibition Area

Silver (USD 2000)

* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Silver supporter
* Two complimentary registrations for the conference
* A table and chairs in the Exhibition Area

Bronze (USD 1500)

* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Bronze supporter
* One complimentary conference registration
* A roll-up in the Exhibition Area

Start-up (USD 800) A new level introduced by ICABB 2024 to promote start-ups.

* Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a start-up supporter.
* A roll-up in the Exhibition Area.


Sponsor Recruiting

ICABB conference group is recruiting sponsor orgnizations or companies. If you are interested in sponsoring the organization of ICABB, please contact the conference email box: ICABB offers you various opportunities to present your organization or company and to get in touch with the speakers and participants. Logo exhibition on the official website and onsite exhibition table can be provided. Any inquiries, please feel free to contact us!